Cardiac Risk Assessment Test and Polysomnography - Crat-Sleep
The correlation between Sleep Disorders and Cardiac Disorders have long been studied and documented. Many believe that essentially the major causes of morbidity and mortality in Sleep Disorders are due to the cardiac dysfunction. Hence as most often observed, the Sleep Disorders manifest as cardiac deficiencies more than any other. The relationship between Myocardial Infarction and Obstructive Sleep Apnea was established by Schafer, H. & Koehler, U. (Chest vol.111(2), pp 387-393, 1997). Similarly, the correlation between Central Sleep Apnea and Congestive Heart Failure has been studied in detail and its dangers have been documented in resent years.
In the course of a conventional Sleep Study, single lead EKG rhythm strips are recorded as a part of the Polysomnography Testing. While this basic Electrocardiogram gives some basic information about the heart rate and rhythms, it is by no means justified as a sufficient and a complete cardiac risk assessment tool. A thorough and detailed Cardiac Risk Assessment Tests consisting of the analysis of Cardiac Arrhythmias, Ischemia, QT intervals, EKG Signal Averaging and Heart rate Variability are therefore highly recommended.
Patients with even minor Sleep Disorders like mild Obstructive Sleep Apneas or Central Sleep Apneas exhibit vivid disturbances in their Autonomic function. Due to its involuntary control, Autonomic function represents a valid marker of the Sleep Disorders. The Autonomic Nervous System is comprised of two components, the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic. Many of the body's systems and organs are controlled and balanced by the autonomic nervous system. Heart is innervated and therefore controlled by two mechanisms; the Parasympathetic component of the ANS via the Vagas nerve, responsible for the bradycardiac function and the Sympathetic component of the ANS, responsible for the Tachycardiac function. Therefore, if one is able to accurately study the fluctuations in the heart rate during a period, it would be possible to quantify the Autonomic Function, hence the abnormalities of the function.
Obviously, to be able to accurately, in a clinically efficient setting evaluate the Autonomic Nervous System by studying the heart rate and rhythm, approximately 110,000 beats in a 24-hour period, highly sophisticated and advanced computer systems are required.
At Los Angeles Cardiac Monitoring, Inc. this capability has been achieved successfully and reliably. In collaboration with DelMar Avionics, Inc., a leader in the creation of state of the art technology, we are able to evaluate the Autonomic Nervous System and accurately quantify its function by a study known as the Heart Rate Variability.
The synergism of Polysomnography and Cardiac Risk Assessment Test is an invaluable tool in the diagnosis of not only the Sleep Disorders but also of the more advanced and dangerous conditions, some related to Sleep Disorders and many although unrelated, of tremendous importance.